Executive Committee

The LSIC Executive Committee includes representation from each of the types of organization (industry, government, academic, or non-profit) that make up LSIC. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to ensure that the future direction of LSIC is in the best interest of its members while serving NASA's and the Nation's vision for sustained exploration of the Moon. The inaugural Executive Committee was selected by APL, in coordination with the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate, from the member institutions and other relevant stakeholders to help broaden LSIC's reach in the community and rapidly initiate activities that integrate the breadth of expertise among Members and identify near-term goals.

Kris Zacny

Vice President, Exploration Technology Group

Honeybee Robotics


Michael Miller

Institute Scientist

Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio


Craig Hardgrove

Principal Investigator of LunaH-Map; Assistant Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration

Arizona State University


Michelle Rodrigues

Vice President, Federal Partnerships

SRI International


Timothy Cichan

Space Exploration Architect

Lockheed Martin


Joel Kearns

Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration

NASA Science Mission Directorate


Greg Schmidt

Director of the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI)

NASA Ames Research Center


Niki Werkheiser

Director for Technology Maturation in the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)

NASA Headquarters


Ariel Ekblaw

Director of the MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


George Sowers

Professor, Space Resources

Colorado School of Mines


Jose Hurtado

Assistant Chair Department of Geological Sciences

The University of Texas at El Paso


Ahsan Choudhuri

Associate Vice President for Aerospace Center and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)


Jacob Bleacher

Chief Exploration Scientist of Advanced Exploration Systems

Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
