Dust Mitigation - Monthly FG

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Venue: Virtual

Featured Speakers

Dr. Kristen John (NASA JSC) & Dr. Christopher Wohl (NASA LaRC)


Our next Dust Mitigation Focus Group meeting will be held tomorrow Thursday, February 10th at 12 PM Eastern time. The Zoom meeting information is listed below while the meeting invite is attached. You have to download and save the attachment to add it to your calendar.

Here is the agenda for Thursday’s meeting:

  • Welcome, LSIC and Focus Group Updates
  • Upcoming Opportunities and Meetings
  • An introduction to the new LSIC Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Working Group (James Mastandrea, APL)

Featured Presentations on Dust Removal:

Dr. Kristen John, NASA Johnson Space Center - Update on “DuSTI Outbrief: Dust Mitigation Characterization of Coatings and Pliable Cleaners”

Followed by:

Dr. Christopher Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center -  “Updates from the LO-DuSST Team”

  • Discussion on Passive/Active Dust Removal

Event Details

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact ses-lsic-wiki-admins@jhuapl.edu.

Post-Event Media

February 2022: Dust Mitigation - Monthly FG

Speaker: Dr. Kristen John (NASA JSC) & Dr. Christopher Wohl (NASA LaRC)