Surface Power - Monthly FG

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Venue: Virtual

Featured Speakers




Next week on Thursday the 26th at 11:00 ET we’ll be having our monthly surface power telecon. For the bulk of the telecon, we’ll be discussing the recent LIVE RFI released by STMD, as well as refine the plans for the summer workshop and try to improve on the scenarios we’d like to discuss.

The RFI we’ll be discussing is a chance to provide explicit feedback directly to STMD about technologies being pursued. There are a lot of technology areas, but fortunately the Surface Power area is predominantly covered in one set of charts (pdf attached). The general guidelines for the RFI are below:

For NASA to meet the objective of this RFI, the following information is requested in addition to other information that the responder considers necessary for a complete evaluation of the provided responses.

·         Are the Envisioned Futures charts inclusive of space community needs?  Please provide specific recommendations for improving the provided Envisioned Future charts.

·         Are the State-of-the-Art summaries complete and accurate or are there technologies that exist that we may not be aware of that satisfy these needs?

·         Are the technology gaps stated in the Envisioned Futures charts inclusive of the work needed to reach these Envisioned Futures? What technology advances are not included that would be necessary to reach these goals?

Also, the abstract submission deadline for the Advanced Power Systems for Deep Space conference has been extended to May 24th.The conference is virtual Aug 30 – Sept 1, and submission is a simple 400-word abstract. The conference is shaping up to be extraordinary, with lots of lunar-relevant topics (and beyond!), so please consider submitting an abstract!

Looking forward to seeing everyone next week – it’ll be a great time to work together on understanding the RFI and keep the momentum going!


Event Details

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

Time: 11 AM EST

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact

Post-Event Media

May 2022: Surface Power - Monthly FG

Speaker: TBD