ISRU - Monthly FG

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Venue: Virtual - Contact for details

Dear LSIC ISRU Focus Group,

We’ll hold our monthly telecon next week on Wednesday, June 15 at 3 pm ET (UTC-4).

Besides usual announcements, conference/funding opportunities, and breakout room informal networking, two events you’ll especially be interested in are 

  • Presentation from Tibor Pacher from Puli Space about the role of small rovers in lunar water-ice prospecting;
  • APL’s Reeve Heinis will conduct a “virtually in-person” strategizing session with you on how LSIC and NASA can best meet YOUR needs.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Time: 3PM ET

Location: Virtual - Contact for details

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact