Surface Power - Monthly FG

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Venue: Virtual - See Confluence for details

For our June telecon (June 23rd 11:00 ET), we’ll be having Martin Narendorf, Jr., Vice President of Engineering and Asset Optimization for CenterPoint Energy, speak to us from the perspective of a terrestrial utility provider and give an overview of how to establish the needed standards governance processes for the future lunar power system.

The utility industry has a very robust structure for terrestrial power systems national and international standards and standards governance.  Associated with this standards process are numerous organizations such as ANSI, IEEE, UL, NESC and numerous national and international standards bodies that exist to develop power system standards.  What standards governance process is needed and will be developed to govern the lunar power system implementation, deployment and expansion?  What lessons can we take form the terrestrial power system standards process that should be applied to the lunar power system implementation and deployment?  CenterPoint will discuss a summary of the body of work needed to establish these needed standards governance processes for the lunar power system.

The insight and lessons learned terrestrially will be critical information as we work towards understanding how to construct together the eventual lunar architecture. Looking forward to seeing everyone later this month!

Event Details

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022

Time: 12:00PM ET

Location: Virtual - See Confluence for details

Meeting Link:

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