Excavation & Construction - Monthly FG

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Venue: Virtual

This month’s E&C monthly meeting is on June 22 (Wednesday) at 2 PM Eastern.

John Connolly from Johnson Space Center, NASA will give a presentation titled “Lunar Geotechnical Engineering Guide” . This presentation will summarize lunar soil properties measured by US and Russian landed missions, including particle size distribution, particle shape, bulk density, shear strength, cohesion and bearing strength, and will emphasize critical properties that vary with depth. Summary observations will be made of mechanical excavation forces and rocket exhaust viscous erosion forces needed to liberate particles from the soil matrix.  The presentation will also discuss why more understanding of lunar soil geotechnical properties is essential for better understanding of excavation, lander plume-surface interaction, and lunar construction.

John Connolly has been studying planetary surface systems and lunar landers for much of his 35-year NASA career. Among his many assignments, he has served as NASA HQ Chief Exploration Scientist, Lunar Surface System lead, and Altair lunar lander Deputy Project Manager.

We will also have a brief strategizing session on how LSIC and NASA can best meet your needs.

I hope you can join us for this exciting talk.

Additional event information is available on Confluence: https://lsic-wiki.jhuapl.edu/x/l4EZ

To request a Confluence account, please contact Andrea Harman at ams573@alumni.psu.edu

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Time: 2:00PM ET

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact ses-lsic-wiki-admins@jhuapl.edu.

Post-Event Media

June 2022: Excavation & Construction - Monthly FG