NASA-APL ISRU Technology Review

Monday, August 15, 2022 -Friday, August 19, 2022

Venue: Hybrid, in-person portion in Houston, Texas

The 2nd Annual ISRU Technology Review is now complete, and the NASA-APL ISRU team greatly appreciates all of your involvement (both presenters and attendees).  We also believe that the review successfully met the primary purpose which was ‘to fully understand and assess the portfolio of technologies and systems under development by NASA for ISRU, and to ensure the ISRU community in government, industry, non-profit, and academia is aware of the full breadth of work being funded by NASA’.  The presentations, discussions, and information submitted will now be used to perform detailed assessments to better align and focus ISRU work and investments toward our ultimate and shared goal of making ISRU a reality on the Moon and beyond.

While we believe the review to be highly successful, we recognize that there were issues that need to be addressed before we host our 3rd annual review.  With that in mind, we’d like your thoughts on both what you liked as well as what you think we need to change for both the in-person and virtual portions of the review.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Link to Submit Comments:


This event is closed to the public. Only invited U.S. citizens may attend. If you would like an invitation, please contact Jerry Sanders ( to inquire about gaining access to the event.

Please note that the registration deadline for this event is 08 August, and onsite registration will not be available. 

Only coffee will be provided for participants during the event.

Sponsored By The NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)

STMD is responsible for the development and initial flight demonstrations of Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) for NASA with the goal of transferring the full-scale operations to commercial industry for implementation.  To support this goal, NASA has contracted with the JHU –APL to support NASA STMD’s Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative (LSII), and to create and operate the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC).  To fully understand and assess the portfolio of technologies and systems under development by NASA for ISRU, and to ensure the ISRU community in government, industry, non-profit, and academia is aware of the full breadth of work being funded, NASA and JHU APL are again co-hosting the 2nd Annual NASA ISRU Technology Review.  This review focuses on funded active or recently completed technology efforts only.  Also, this year the Review will be a hybrid event with a physical location near NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, as well as virtual presentations and interactions for participants who cannot or do not want to travel.  The information presented will inform NASA and APL on the state of on-going efforts in NASA-funded ISRU technology development as well as help identify areas where further funding and development is required in future NASA solicitations.

Objective of the Technical Review

This is not a conference. While there will be a short Q&A for each presentation, the Q&A is primarily meant for the NASA and APL ISRU leads to ensure understanding of the technology presented. Remaining Q&A time, if any, for individual presentations will be allocated to the audience. The purpose of the presentations are to provide NASA and APL with understanding of the projects being funded or which were completed in the Fiscal Year. As such, we are requesting that presentations include as detailed information as the presenter feels comfortable presenting in a public forum. Presenters will also have the option to provide further information directly to NASA which will not be released. We encourage this since the greater information NASA and APL have on the technology being developed, the better the understanding of infusion potential. We are asking for the following information, whether public or submitted separately for NASA, to be included in the submitted materials  to the maximum extent possible:

  • Project objective/goals and deliverables
  • Requirements and assumptions
  • Starting/ending TRL and Key Performance Parameters used to track progress and advancement
  • Top level schedule with major milestones, decision points, etc.  TRL stepwise increase over time per major design/test milestone completed
  • Top-level accomplishments with pictures
  • Testing plans, requirements, and facilities for testing, existing or to be identified
  • Issues that will be addressed in the next year of work or require further work if the project is completed
  • Forward plans if project is not completed
  • Lessons learned that can help NASA allocate future resources.

If you are required to submit a presentation for the NASA GCD Annual Program Review, or APR, we highly encourage you to use that same format and charts for this event to minimize the number of new charts you may need to create.  Presentations will need to be submitted a minimum of 1 week before the Review.  We also ask that projects send their last contractual project status or report as part of the non-shared information to be sent to NASA-APL.  A secure electronic site will be provided in a later email.

Please note that the last day of the conference will be devoted discussing lunar environmental test needs and requirements for technology developers and existing and needed test facilities and capabilities to complete the planned testing.  This session will be run in conjunction with NASA’s Space Environment Test Management Office, or SETMO.

One you have successfully registered for this event, you will be given access to a password protected page with additional details and the full agenda.

General Agenda Info

The full agenda is available on the password-protected event page after registration has been confirmed. Here are times for each day of sessions for general planning purposes.

The event opens on Monday 15 August at 11:15AM CT, and runs through 5:00PM CT. 

On Tuesday programming begins at 8:15AM CT in-person with morning refreshments, with presentations beginning at 8:55AM CT. The day runs through 3:50PM CT.

On Wednesday programming begins again at 8:15AM CT in-person with morning refreshments, with presentations beginning at 8:55AM CT. The day runs through 4:30PM CT.

On Thursday programming begins again at 8:15AM CT in-person with morning refreshments, with presentations beginning at 8:55AM CT. Presentations run through 11:50AM CT, with in-person tours available starting at 1:00PM CT.

On Friday programming begins again at 8:15AM CT in-person with morning refreshments, with presentations beginning at 8:55PM CT and running through 12:45PM CT. In-person tours are available again starting at 1:00PM CT.

Event Details

Date: Monday, August 15, 2022 - Friday, August 19, 2022

Location: Hybrid, in-person portion in Houston, Texas

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact


Day Session Time Title Presenter Details