Extreme Access - Monthly FG

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Venue: Virtual - See Confluence for Details

Featured Speakers

Robert Brumley



Robert "Bob" Brumley, Commstar Space Communications, Lunar relay communications system

We'll have our normal LSIC updates at the beginning, do a brief recap of the Designing for Extremes Workshop, and then have a Technology Spotlight from Robert Brumley (Commstar Space Communications) about the Lunar relay communications system. 

Reminder that the STMD RFI about the EXPLORE and LAND thrusts.  

Responses to this RFI are due October 06, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically using NSPIRES at https://nspires.nasaprs.com/.  Any questions to this RFI may be submitted to HQ-STMD-STAR-RFI@nasaprs.com at any time before the due date for responses.

STMD is seeking responses not to exceed 10 pages, and should be uploaded as a single PDF file attachment not to exceed 10MB at the NSPIRES website (https://nspires.nasaprs.com). 

To view the RFI and instructions on how to submit a response, visit:


To get access to Confluence for meeting details, please contact Andrea Harman at ams573@alumni.psu.edu.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2022

Time: 3:00 PM EST

Location: Virtual - See Confluence for Details

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact ses-lsic-wiki-admins@jhuapl.edu.

Post-Event Media

September 2022: Extreme Access - Monthly FG

Speaker: Robert Brumley