Excavation + Construction - Monthly FG

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Venue: Virtual - See Confluence for details

Frank Koch, founder and CEO of Orbit Recycling (Berlin, Germany) will give a presentation titled, “Turning Waste into Value: Recycling Space Debris to Build Lunar Infrastructure”.

Frank will propose a new space ambition for lunar activities: the recycling of space debris to build a lunar infrastructure. The ambitious project shall be demonstrated and validated within the next 3 years. Space agencies around the world express their interest in a lunar ground station in the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER). Orbit Recycling`s answer is the recovery of raw materials from space debris. By tugging old stages to the Moon for recycling, valuable aluminium is regained and used for construction of a lunar infrastructure. In its recent study for ESA, Orbit Recycling concluded that the supply through the recycling of dangerous space debris could avoid costly material transport from Earth’s surface. The study estimates the price per kilogram of recycled aluminium on the Moon to be less than €150,000 and considers that this amount would be very cost-competitive compared to sending this material from Earth. And by turning waste into value, Orbit Recycling extends the European Green Deal into space. Orbit Recycling has built up a strong network of renowned research and industry partners. Although this concept sounds futuristic, it is within the current technical capabilities.

About Orbit Recycling

Based in Berlin, Orbit Recycling offers a sustainable approach to the supply of building materials in space based on recycled space debris. This globally unique approach addresses pressing societal challenges such as environmental protection and sustainability, as well as the reducing the risk of debris collision for all other space activities. In 2020, Orbit Recycling was granted the "Most Pioneering Aluminium Recycling Company" award by build magazine, UK, and in 2021, Orbit Recycling was awarded the 3rd place at the German INNOSpace Masters Airbus Challenge. In November 2022, Orbit Recycling will showcase its solution at the Paris Peace Forum. During his physics study, Frank Koch founded his first company with a focus on "hazardous waste treatment". He later worked for Microsoft and Samsung in positions of international responsibility and became a national sustainability leader for Microsoft Germany, before entering the space industry. Since 2015, Frank Koch has been working in Berlin on the “Orbit Recycling” concept to bring sustainability into space. 

I hope you can join us for this exciting talk.

After the talk we will have interactive breakout sessions that the four sub-group leads will moderate. 

To get access to Confluence for meeting details, please contact Andrea Harman at ams573@alumni.psu.edu.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM ET

Location: Virtual - See Confluence for details

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact ses-lsic-wiki-admins@jhuapl.edu.

Post-Event Media

September 2022: Excavation + Construction - Monthly FG