Dust Mitigation - Monthly FG

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Venue: Virtual

We hope this email finds you well! This is a friendly reminder that our next Dust Mitigation Focus Group Monthly Meeting will be held Thursday, December 15th at 12 PM Eastern Time. The Zoom meeting information for our Dust Mitigation FG meeting is below and calendar invite is attached.

Our last focus group meeting of the year will center on recapping an eventful 2022, including highlights and takeaways from our monthly FG meetings, LSIC Spring and Fall Meetings, and look forward to 2023.   Our agenda also includes LSIC updates and upcoming opportunities.

Meeting Agenda:

•      Welcome, LSIC and Focus Group Updates

•      Upcoming Opportunities and Meetings

•      Recap from LSIC Spring and Fall Meeting

•      Highlights and takeaways from 2022 Dust Mitigation FG Meetings

•      Look ahead to 2023

Watch Past Recordings and Presentations at LSIC Dust Mitigation Webpage:

Thank you to all who participated in last month’s FG meeting on November 17th. The topic was “Lunar Dust and Human Health.” You can view the recording and slides from November’s FG meeting and previous meetings at our LSIC Dust Mitigation Focus Group page on the LSIC website: https://lsic.jhuapl.edu/Our-Work/Focus-Areas/index.php?fg=Dust-Mitigation.

Learn More and Continue Conversations on Dust Mitigation Wiki on Confluence:

Check out the Dust Mitigation Wiki page on Confluence for past and current discussions as well as useful resources: https://lsic-wiki.jhuapl.edu/x/EIAZ.

New to the Dust Mitigation Focus Group or interested in being more involved?:

Please fill out the brief surveys below. Your input and participation is very valuable and will help us improve the focus group to better serve yours and the community needs.

1)      Help us improve the Dust Mitigation Focus Group and how it can meet your needs and the community.

Feedback Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjuTIK_TLMnCM4_aSMLAzLS762qtzbgmcOd2fgizICsab6KQ/viewform

2)      Interested in joining one of the new Dust Mitigation subgroups? Please fill out the survey below to indicate your level of interest, and sign up.

Subgroups Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB6iT2fgPqj2zIaP0s-rwWQDQ04TPfgVyiC5zn0AQPAT5CZA/viewform

3)   Interested in teaming/collaborating with others? Please add yourself or your organization to the Dust Mitigation Who’s Who page: https://lsic-wiki.jhuapl.edu/display/DM/Who%27s+Who+In+Dust+Mitigation

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, December 15th!

Event Details

Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact ses-lsic-wiki-admins@jhuapl.edu.

Post-Event Media

December 2022: Dust Mitigation - Monthly FG