Power System Reliability Workshop

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 -Thursday, July 27, 2023


Venue: Virtual

Download Calendar Reminder (.ics)

The topic of lunar grid reliability has come up frequently during events and discussions within the Surface Power Focus Group. Considering the decentralized nature and diversity of organizations contributing to the power grid, reliably providing power to both crewed and uncrewed on the Moon presents an inherently different challenge compared to previous monolithic systems like the International Space Station (ISS). Thus, it is crucial to develop useful metrics for characterizing and quantifying reliability at both the system and component level, carefully consider what level of redundancy is necessary for both crewed and robotic systems, and strive to maximize interoperability and simplicity at the earliest phases of technology development in order to streamline maintenance and repair of a fully realized future lunar grid.

To address these challenges, the LSIC Surface Power Focus Group will host a two-day virtual workshop (26-27 July, 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM EST). Invited speakers and panelists include multiple key decision makers at NASA intimately involved with the construction of the ISS, the early Artemis missions, and the current power technology development portfolio. Additional panelists from the US Antarctica Program (USAP), the Naval Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE Program and the terrestrial power industry will add unique perspectives and expertise.


Event Details

Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - Thursday, July 27, 2023

Location: Virtual

Registration will close on July 17, 2023.

Related Documents:


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