Lunar Proving Grounds Definition Workshop

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 -Thursday, July 13, 2023

Venue: Hybrid - Zoom & JHU/APL Kossiakoff Center

Featured Speakers

Michelle Munk

NASA STMD Chief Architect (Acting)


View the workshop recordings below or on YouTube.

The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) is hosting a hybrid Lunar Proving Grounds Definition Workshop, July 12-13, 2023, at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, and on Zoom. The topic of facilities needed for testing hardware destined for the Moon and the need for Earth-based ‘Lunar Proving Grounds’ for testing systems has come up across all six Focus Areas of LSIC. While facilities exist for component- and instrument- level technology maturation (e.g., up to system/subsystem demo in relevant environments), and there are potential flight opportunities for component maturation to flight-qualified and even flight-proved systems, the Artemis Program vision for a sustained presence and transition to industry (e.g., the Moon to Mars Objectives and the LSIC “Path to an Enduring Lunar Presence” white paper) suggests an architecture of integrated systems and systems of systems more complex than Apollo or the International Space Station. Some questions we aim to address through this workshop include: (1) How will validation and verification of these systems and interactions, including human-robotic operations, be accomplished? (2) What metrics need to be tested, and thus what capabilities will such a facility or facilities need? (3) Which functionalities can be tested separately and which need to synergize? What can be the role of digital engineering? 

Over the course of this two-day Lunar Proving Grounds (LPG) Definition Workshop, we will dive into these and other topics to explore the needs, attributes, and performance capabilities that will be necessary for a Lunar Proving Grounds. While the LSIC Lunar Proving Grounds Definition Workshop will be hybrid, we encourage in-person participation if possible, in order to maximize discussion and collaboration opportunities. Since this is a collaboration/discussion-driven workshop, no abstracts for talks or posters will be solicited. A tentative agenda is provided below, and will be updated as information becomes available. Morning and afternoon snacks and coffee/tea will be provided throughout the workshop, however, lunch will be on your own -- there are a variety of nearby options to choose from, and these logistics will be disseminated to registrants closer to the workshop dates. Below the following agenda is several useful links for visiting Laurel and APL.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - Thursday, July 13, 2023

Location: Hybrid - Zoom & JHU/APL Kossiakoff Center

Related Documents:

Meeting Link:

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