Lunar Simulants WG Speaker Series

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Venue: Virtual

Featured Speakers

Dr. Ross Kovtun

NASA Johnson Space Center



Dr. Ross Kovtun


“Quantitative Characterization of Lunar Regolith Simulants for Direct Comparison to Apollo Soil Samples”


Ross Kovtun is a Lunar Geotechnical Scientist at NASA JSC and a technical lead at the ARES Simulant Development Lab. His academic background is in planetary geology, sedimentology, and surface processes. Additionally, Ross has experience working in industry as an engineering geologist.


Testing systems with analogous materials is critical in developing and assessing technologies for planetary exploration. Due to the paucity of returned samples from the Apollo missions, lunar simulants are commonly utilized as the compositional and physical analogs for lunar regolith in hardware component testing, ISRU studies, and a variety of other enterprises. While commercial simulant producers have made great strides in manufacturing high fidelity lunar simulants, there are existing knowledge gaps when it comes to material characterization and end-user exposure. The Figures of Merit (FoM) project was initiated to provide a quantitative basis for comparison between measured simulant and lunar regolith properties as a means to provide the community with accessible simulant data pertinent to the bulk of testing needs.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, November 9, 2023

Time: 9 November 2023 1 pm ET

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

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Post-Event Media

November 2023: Lunar Simulants WG Speaker Series

Speaker: Dr. Ross Kovtun