ISRU - December Monthly FG Meeting

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Venue: Virtual

Featured Speakers

Vlada Stamenkovi

Blue Origing



Vlada Stamenkovi (Blue Origin): “Space Resources at Blue Origin”

On December 13, at 11am ET, the ISRU Focus Group monthly meeting will feature a talk from Dr. Vlada Stamenkovi from Blue Origin. This meeting was shifted up a week to deconflict with the holidays. Please also note the new time change of 11am ET for ISRU meetings going forward! Below is a tentative agenda of our meeting:

  • General updates and housekeeping
    • Upcoming meetings, funding opportunities, etc.
  • Vlada Stamenkovi (Blue Origin): “Space Resources at Blue Origin”
  • ISRU End-of-Year Survey!
  • Open Discussion: Thoughts on Monthly Meeting Structure

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Time: 11 am EST

Location: Virtual

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact

Post-Event Media

December 2023: ISRU - December Monthly FG Meeting

Speaker: Vlada Stamenkovi