Surface Power / ISRU Joint Telecon

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Venue: Zoom

We look forward to seeing you all at the joint telecon between the ISRU and Surface Power Focus Groups, occurring on January 17, 2024, at 11am ET - 12:15pm ET. This joint telecon will focus on Site Selection as it relates to ISRU and Power; we'll have three speakers, each providing a 10 minute recap of their organization/technology, followed by a panel discussion with all speakers on site selection: Giovanni Leone (Universidad de Atacama): "Sverdrup-Henson crater: A candidate location for the first lunar South Pole settlement" Ebrahim Mohammadi (Astrobotic): "LunaRay: Lunar Illumination and Terrain Simulation Software" Luis Carrio (Lockheed Martin): "Integrated System-of-Systems Modeling Tools for Site Selection"

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Location: Zoom

Meeting Link:

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