Hosting an LSIC Fall Meeting

The next solicitation for a fall meeting host will be for the 2026 Fall Meeting.

Is your institution interested in hosting a future LSIC Fall Meeting? If so, we'd love to hear from you! Please review the meeting needs for each area and respond to the questions below as they pertain to your prospective site. An LSIC representative will respond to you within ~1 month of our 2026 deadline (TBD) to let you know whether your location is appropriate, if we need more information, and/or what timeframe you are under consideration for. Thank you!

Potential Meeting Location

The potential hosting institution should propose a meeting locality and facility within range (30 miles) of a national airport (as defined by:

Initial Point of Contact

Meeting Venue Requirements

Venue Preferences:

  • Allow a capacity of 300+ seats in an auditorium/lecture hall space
  • Include at least four adjacent breakout rooms capable of holding at least 30 attendees each
  • Have a lobby space for registration, networking, consumption of food/beverage, etc.
  • Provide access to dining options for in-meeting meals
  • The hosting institution must identify a meeting facility site that is technologically capable of hosting the LSIC Meeting in a hybrid (in person and virtual) format, which includes the following:
    • Knowledgeable technical staff supported and willing to work collaboratively with LSIC, APL, and NASA staff to run the host facility equipment
    • Technician who is familiar with event hardware and Zoom setup
    • Reliable high-speed internet connection (i.e., Wi-Fi)
    • Speaker system that supports a dual feed into both in-room and virtual audio
    • One or more main speaker podium(s) in main lecture room furnished with microphone
    • Zoom installed on relevant meeting computers
    • Projector and screens for remote speaker participation
    • Space to support single speakers as well as panels

Expectations for Partners

Hosting Institution/Partnering Institutions Preferences:

  • Commit 1 point-of-contact (POC) per partner institution that will provide a minimum of 1-2 hours of weekly planning meetings (i.e. logistics, agenda, speakers, tours, etc.) for 3+ months in advance of the meeting
  • Provide at least 1 person per partner institution to the abstract review committee
  • If holding a meeting reception (not required), the partnering institutions/sponsors will take financial accountability and coordination of the reception

Lodging Available

The potential host location should support hotels or housing accommodations for up to 250 attendees preferably within a ~10 to 15 minute walking distance, but at least within a 20 minutes driving time of the event site, with at least some portion of lodging options available at the government rate.

Demonstration of Benefit to LSIC Community

The institution applying to be host needs to identify and list additional LSIC, or potential, member institutions that would benefit from site visits by NASA, LSII/LSIC personnel, and potentially LSIC community (if member institution desires the option) either before, the day of, or after the meeting.

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