ISRU Monthly Telecon - May

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Venue: Zoom

For the month of May, the ISRU FG monthly telecon will occur on May 15, at 11am ET. This month, we will be focusing on the knowledge/technical gap of beneficiation. Our speakers and their topics are provided below. Following their brief introduction to lunar beneficiation and challenges, and open discussion will commence in order to under the community's perpsective and allow them to offer their insight, with the intent of outlining steps to closing certain knowledge and technical gaps. Come prepared to unmute and join in on the discussion!

  • Chris Tolton (Colorado School of Mines): Intro to beneficiation and lunar beneficiation, including use cases, industrial scale, and challenges
  • Kevin Cannon (Colorado School of Mines): Lunar soil classification system
  • David Butler (SLB): MCSifter lunar benficiation tool
  • Xu Wang (University of Colorado, Boulder): CLIFF DIVER lunar beneficiation tool

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Location: Zoom

Meeting Link:

For issues connecting, please contact

Post-Event Media

May 2024: ISRU Monthly Telecon - May